The Coffee Meeting

Monique Murphy

You’re Better Off being Worse Off

Hi Reader, Recently I learned about a concept called the region beta paradox (RGB). This paradox states that someone is more likely to recover quickly from a more distressing experience than a less distressing one. The most common example found on the web is: Someone who prefers to walk to places within a mile from their home. If the destination is further out than a mile, they will drive, effectively reaching their destination quicker when traveling a longer distance than a shorter one….

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The benefits of daydreaming

Asleep on the job? Here’s how it can lead to your success

The #1 habit that led to my success The Benefits of Daydreaming Hi Reader, In this week’s issue, I would like to tell you about a conversation that I had on X (formerly Twitter). So, one user posted: “what was the number one habit that led to your success?” As I was thinking about my response, I was picturing a face-face conversation with him, and then it hit me — daydreaming. I daydream often, and that habit tends to let me understand certain aspects of my life. Having said this, he stated…

Asleep on the job? Here’s how it can lead to your success Read More »

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